Reseller web hosting plans, low cost reselling.
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Reseller hosting

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Reseller hosting plans

Options RS-5RS-10RS-20RS-50
Disk Space, Mb 5000100002000050000
Monthly Data Transfer, Gb unlimitedunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Number of Domains 30unlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Number of Personal IPs 0022
Custom Name Servers ++++
MySQL Databases unlimitedunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Shell Access 1 -+++
Monthly Fee 15202840
Half year Fee / Fee per 1 Month 85.5 / 14.3114 / 19159.6 / 26.6228 / 38
Yearly Fee / Fee per 1 Month 153 / 12.8204 / 17285.6 / 23.8408 / 34
Save paying per year 27365072

If you have any question or need consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1 Shell Access is granted only if it is supported by the Hosting Plan and to those Customers, who provided some special documents (Passport or Driving License).

All Reseller Hosting Plans Include

Customer Support:
- Customer Support Team (icq, aim, e-mail)
- How-to Guides
- Professional Web-based Control Pannel (cPanel)
- Web-based Account Manager
- Web-based Email
- Web-based DNS Managment
Infrastructure / Data Center:
- Managment and Monitoring 24x7x365
- Multiple Security Systems
- Multiple Internet Connections
- PHP5/Perl Support
- Zend Optimizer
- SSI Support
- Microsoft FrontPage Extensions
- Access to Server Logs
- Log Analizer Analog , Webalizer
- Unlimited POP3 and FTP Accounts
- Personal SMTP/POP3 Servers
- Unlimited Mail Forwarding
- Unlimited Mail Lists
- Autoresponders
- Antivirus and Spam Filtering
- Cron, XML, WAP
- Custom ERROR 400, 401, 403, 404, 500 pages
- .htaccess Features
- Password Protected Directories
- Daily, Weekly and Monthly Backups
FREE Features:
- Install 3-d party Software With One Mouth Click (forum, chat, e-commerce shop)
- 7 Day Money Back Guarantee";
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